Our Ladies Only Kickboxing is a fitness class that will improve your muscle tone, sculpt your body and help with weight loss.
The classes are suitable for all ladies, age and ability.
Who, Why Where?
TMA Academy's Kickboxing programme is designed by Kru/Guro L. S. Madahar, to help women learn the fundamentals that improves fitness, self-confidence and personal safety.
Over 40 years of experince in the martial arts and a keen team of instructors with determination to give women the tools to be strong is the heart and saul of these unique Ladies only Kickboxing classes.
Our qualified instructors will take their time to listen to you about why you want to learn martial arts and what you hope to achieve. They will discuss the individual issues with you and explaine how our programme works and what martial arts are all about.
Everyone starts at their own level and we don't expect you to start these classes with the ability to complete Triathlons or brake boards (Boards don't hit back - Bruce Lee) with your bare hands. but you do need a doctor's approval and be healthy before starting if you have any doubts about your health and fitness. Our programme will start you with some slow warm ups excerises that you will be able to handle and quickly master. Our aim is to build your confidence to allow you to push yourself harder and rapidly improve your fitness level.
Getting started
Your first class will start with a chat and an introduction to 1 or 2 fellow students and then finding you a training partner who is also a beginner. We'll then work on showing you some warm-up movements, some basic kicking and punching techniques and then a cool down.
Weight loss and muscle tone
TMA Academy's Ladies Only classes are a great way for you to lose weight if you need to and we will also offer you a natural and sustainable way to keep your body at its ideal weight. Our kickboxing classes will keep you more flexible and supple, plus they will naturally tone the bits you always wanted to keep in shape, thighs, bums, tums, chest etc.
We support women in our classes with advice on sensible eating to allow to gradually build up the stamina to become experinced students.
Class Times
Wednesday: 7.00 pm - 8.00 pm
Saturday: 10.00 am - 11.00 am